EnChroma, color for the color blind

Introducing EnChroma glasses, a marriage of color vision science and optical technology. The only specialty eyewear that alleviates red-green color blindness, enhancing colors without the compromise of color accuracy.

EnChroma glasses are an optical assistive device; they are not a cure for color blindness. Results vary depending on the type and extent of color vision deficiency per individual. The glasses are estimated to be effective for 4 out of 5 cases (80%) of red-green color vision deficiency – prospective users are encouraged to take our online color vision test to assess the likelihood of efficacy.

How eyes see color. The retina contains approximately 6 million retinal cone cells. Each cell is ‘color specific,’ responding mainly to light of specific frequencies. The three different types of cone cells correspond to the three primary colors: red, green and blue.

Test your color vision, check type and extent of color vision deficiency in 3-5 minutes: LINK
